Amarestone Natural Stone Blog

French Limestone Quarry Changes - what you need to know

Written by Steve Turner | Thu, Mar 19, 2020 @ 04:14 PM

French limestone - how changes to the industry might affect you.

If you are linked to the stone industry as an architect, designer, stonemason, distributor/retailer or developer, you could be affected by some of the changes.

Even if you've been using French limestone for many years in your client projects, you may not be aware of how the market place has re-shaped itself over the last few years in the French stone industry.

Many quarries have been bought and sold and are now with different owners. There were major changes with two of the biggest quarry companies and others have altered their portfolios.

The largest stone company in France spent some months in administration but re-emerged having been refinanced and refocussed. Part of the deal resulted in their flagship quarries being sold but this allowed them to enhance their production facility at their main factory.

The other major company went into liquidation around 8 years ago. The individual quarries were bought out by various smaller, independent companies or by management buy-outs and eventually the quarrying started up again. Within about 12 months, they were operational again. The changes didn't stop there and recently, some of the important quarries are still changing hands.

We now have some Canadian, Italian and Portuguese companies, as well as French, owning the limestone and marble quarries throughout France. 

In addition, we have also seen some key personnel movements where some of the people you may have worked with in the past have moved to different companies or retired and left the industry.

Over the years, our colleagues and partners in France have kept us up to speed with what's happening to the people and to the companies. We also get to hear the latest news about the availability of the stone itself and how the physical characteristics might alter as the stone is cut from different sections of the quarry.

So, if French limestone is being considered for your project and you'd like to know what's available and where to get it, it would be worthwhile getting in touch. 

Please call, email or leave a message on the form on this page if you'd like to discuss the options or receive samples.

See more details on our range of French Limestone.


If you have any other questions or need expert help with your natural stone project, please call us on 0345 260 8070 or email



Thanks for reading.

Steve Turner

Tel: 0345 260 8070

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